Wednesday, August 29, 2012

INSIDE ADLR with the lady who keeps it moving, APRIL WILSON

Today we don't meet a cast member, rather, we spend time with the woman who keeps it all moving, Stage Manager and Assistant Director April Wilson. April keeps everyone inline, including director Adam Adolfo! Here is what she has to say for herself...
Production Name: The Fifth Sun
Name: April Wilson

Character Name: Stage Manager

  • Born & Raised:   Well…I was born in New York City, but my parents knew that I would one day be a famous stage manager so they moved to small Texas suburb so I could get my start!
  • Education:  I have a BA from UNT in Social Science, minors in English and Rehabilitation, and an alternative certification for teaching EC-6. Yep, I’m a mess.
  • Degree: Um… how is this a different question?
  • Zodiac Sign: Jaguar priest of the sun?
  • Any Siblings: I have one amazing, beautiful sister. She’s my favorite person in the whole wide world.
  • Audition Song:  I do not under any circumstance sing. Whenever I sing in the car people turn the radio up.
  • Audition Monologue:  Nope.
  • First Play/Musical You Ever Saw: The first one that I remember is when I was about 7 or 8 I went to opening night of a run of Harvey and I was hooked and went and saw every show of that run. I have no idea what the appeal was for me at that time, but I liked it. Also when I was about that age I saw Chicago. Yes, I was much too young for that show (in case you don’t know it’s about adulterous men and women and women that kill their husbands), but I loved it anyway.
  • Something you’re REALLY bad at: science.
  • Did you have any particular mentors or inspirations when first starting out? Mary Poppins. She would be the best stage manager ever. There’s only one difference between watching children and stage managing: alcohol.
  • Must See TV Show:  The Newsroom
  • Why you work in theatre:  Adam Adolfo keeps asking me
  • First Role:  I don’t know… like a vegetable or something in school?
  • Favorite Play: this is a hard one… I don’t have an answer
  • Pop Culture Guilty Pleasure:  I really have no idea what’s going on in pop culture.
  • Favorite sport/team/player: Steelers? Honestly, I don’t really know, but my father would be proud if I said Steelers.
  • First Stage Kiss:  I was in 9th grade, extremely shy, and was playing opposite a guy that was not cute AT ALL. My brilliant (that’s sarcasm by the way) director had forgotten to tell us that we were even kissing until right before the show and it completely threw me off. Him too. We had never rehearsed it before. I was dreading the kiss right up until it happened and it felt like it went in a gross slow motion.
  • Pre Show Rituals: Making sure my actors have their pants. Apparently occasionally they forget them.
  • Special Skills: Telling people what to do
  • MAC or PC: Back when I was naïve, innocent lad (yes, lad, don’t argue) I knew not of the brilliance of a MAC and was completely satisfied with my virus infested,  mind-numbingly slow PC. Then one day a magical prince came and showed me a MAC and I have squirmed at the idea of using a PC ever since.
  • "I'll never understand why…" : some people are such meanie heads.
  • Any Theatre Superstitions:  If you don’t put away your props the Stage Manager ghost comes and hides them.
  • Worst Costume Ever: I actually have never had a bad one, but that is probably because whenever Adam Adolfo tries to make me look ugly I fight back.
  • Favorite Post Show Meal:  Tequila
  • Favorite liquid refreshment (adult or other): Coke
  • Favorite ice cream : Rocky Road or Cookies and Cream.
  • Biggest On Stage Mishap:  I can’t remember my biggest on stage mishap, but definitely can remember my biggest off stage mishap. Let’s just say I cried for like 4 hours. No joke.
  • Worst job you ever had: I worked at a little girl’s clothing store during the Christmas holiday for like a month. WORST MONTH EVER.
  • Last Good Movie You Saw: Moonrise Kingdom and Safety Not Guaranteed
  • How you got your Equity card: Bhahahahaha
  • Something you are incredibly proud of: never pushing an actor in front of a car or bus or harming them in any way
  • Words of advice for aspiring performers: Don’t piss off your stage manager
  • Career you would want if not a performer: Ha. If performing was my career I would be more broke than I already am.
  • Three things you can't live without: Chocolate cake, pizza, baked potatoes. (Yes, all three are food.)
  • Best way to beat the North Texas Heat : Move.
  • Best thing about Fort Worth & the North Side:  Adam Adolfo.

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