Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A tiny tidbit through the eyes of the Nurse


It's only 5 o'clock in the morning.She summons me so early!  I've only been awake shy half an hour.

"I'm coming, madam.  Be right there!" I say as I tidy my bed.

"What can I do for you, Lady?"

"Make me something to eat and hurry!  My head aches!"

"Yes, madam.  Shall I wake Juliet?"

"Did I say 'wake her', wretch?!? Bring me food, a Martini, and my pills!"

"Yes, ma'am." I say as I leave to do my daily grind.

I need not wake the cherub anyhow just to see you wasting your life away on medications not your own.  Then, there's the vile liquid which takes your breath and morals too.

I see you with all your men, flaunting your body in promiscuous ways. You may have high status, but you're no Lady.  In fact, you're no better than the putrid scum which grows in the darkest of places.

Juliet is far too young and impressionable to see you, her so-called mother under false influences.


"Almost ready!  I'll be right there!" I say.

I would love to tell her "You treat me like a piece of rancid waste found on the streets of Havana."

But if I did, I'd be discharged and there'd be no one to watch over the child.  And I can't leave Juliet with her.

Oh, if only there were somewhere else we could go.  I'd take her away from that filth of a progenitor.

I am glad, however, to say Lady C has not a clue.  For I know all of her secrets and my lips will remain sealed.  Her veiled truths shall never leave me unless harm comes to my precious Juliet, an angel sent forth from God himself.  Only then will I make known to everyone what an evil creature you truly are.

Oh, Juliet...poor thing.  She's a lovely girl soon to be grown.  I hope all my years of love and wisdom do me proud when she marries some day. If only she knew.

I shall only utter the verity of it all if Lady C harms her in any way, I swear it on my life.

"Here you are, madam.  Here's your breakfast and drink." I say.

"Where are my pills?" She slurs, obviously having not fully recovered from last night's slew of naughty behavior.

Oh yes, how could I forget your pills?

"Oh, my apologies, ma'am.  Here they are."

"Leave me!!!" She screams as she snatches them from my hand.

"Oh, and Nurse!  Make sure everything looks immaculate.  We have guests coming this evening for a masked party."

"Yes, Lady."

Hurriedly I leave, hoping she drinks her spirits and takes her meds never to wake from a eternal slumber.  She has been the bane of my existence, I only stay for Juliet's sake.

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