Monday, April 9, 2012

MYSTERIES OF MARIA; Inside Artes de la Rosa's Maria De Buenos Aires - Blog 3; NOWHERE & EVERYWHERE with JP CANO

TODAY, we blog with JP CANO who is returning to Artes de la Rosa after being last seen in our production of A View From The Bridge. Today Mr. Cano talks to us about the very evocative spirit that Maria de Buenos Aires places on all those who come in contact with it!


When I thought about the idea of blogging for the upcoming Artes de la Rosa’s new show “Maria de Buenos Aires”, what came to my mind was the fear and the fascination I had when I took my first class of tango at 17 years old; a fear for the constant mutual body contact (sensual) which had not really awakened then at mty early age, and a fascination for the dramatic music and feelings aroused it aroused. Since then I realized Tango music has an enchantment, with many unexpected twists and turns, and filled with dramatic tones.

“Maria de Buenos Aires” as a whole is complicated to explain but even though I never heard of Piazzolla before this, he did one of the best tangos I have ever listened to in my life. This classic tale of love, lust, and hate was written in an amazing type of music. My character, El Duende is more complicated then anyone could’ve ever thought and his love for a woman who will never love him back is sad… but it also amuses me; I think we all (or at least most of us) have had experience with love never being returned.  

I am so proud to be back at Artes de la Rosa with such a magnificent production, even though I have to admit when the director showed me the music I felt intrigued by the lyrics and poetry done by Herracio Ferrer, but I was thrown of fbalance (even though Spanish is my first language) for the type of slangs and versification; it aroused the question of what the composer wanted to transmit to the audience. The innovation of new theater and new talent that Artes de la Rosa is bringing to Forth Worth is limitless. Mr. Adolfo has done a colossal interpretation of “Maria…”, giving twists, love, passion, sensual movement, darkness and death a new powerful meaning. Be prepared to travel to nowhere and to everywhere at the same time because “Maria de Buenos Aires” will arrive soon.

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