Tuesday, October 25, 2011

26 Miles - On the Journey; Taking the LEAP

What can I say… I have recently had a tremendous life journey, one that was good and bad, but one that has taught me a lot about myself and how to approach the world around me. What person doesn’t go through these kinds of things in a lifetime? Most of us do! Well, I’ll admit, I’m still learning, but I’m a little closer… I’m learning to take LEAPS.

And that is how 26 Miles speaks to me. Both women in this play are discovering to be the women they want to be… Stretching their comfort level to take a LEAP: traveling across country and forcing themselves to relate to one another. They are finding HOME in the sense of being in a place where they can truly belong and it is realized in their relationship as Mother and Daughter, no longer estranged.

At first I thought I could not connect with the role of Beatriz, the mother. Why not? I’m a Mother and we are about the same age. But that was just it… I could and it wasn’t just about being a Mother! It was about taking a leap of Faith. I am just like her. Maybe not in the exact situation but I’m learning to recover from past choices, whether made on my own or not. And Beatriz realized she needed to take a leap to make a change. And that is how we can all relate to this story. So I am taking a leap in this role, hoping I can organically portray her emotional journey to becoming the woman she wants to be!

-DeAnna Gonzales, Actress
"Beatriz" in 26 Miles

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