Thursday, July 29, 2010

VARIATIONS on Putting It Together Part Two

Executive Director Adam Adolfo continues his discussion on the Art of Making Art...

Art isn't easy
Every minor detail is a major decision
Have to keep things in scale,
Have to hold to your vision.

What's a little cocktail conversation
If it gets the funds for your foundation.
Every time I start to feel defensive --
I remember art is expensive!

Artes de la Rosa, like all arts organizations continues to fight for its very existence in a society that believes the arts are not relevant. It is a well known fact that the average life of a small theatre is 5 years. 5 years and then the company ‘fails’. The question that then comes is “Did the company fail its audience?” or “Did its audience fail the theatre?” Generally speaking it’s a little of both. What can you do? TELL A FRIEND ABOUT ARTES DE LA ROSA. Become an advocate for us! Encourage people to buy season tickets and bring friends to the theatre. We only live as an arts institution with you in the audience. I’m reminded of a song that says, “I’d rather be nine peoples favorite thing then a 100 people’s ninth favorite thing…and if those nine people tell nine people we’ll have 18 people loving our shows and 18 people could grow into 525,600 people all loving our shows!” Our biggest marketing tool is not the paper, not the radio, it is you!

Dot by dot, building up the image.
Shot by shot, keeping at a distance doesn't pay.
Still if you remember your objective,
Not give all your privacy away.
A little bit of hype can be effective,
As long as you can keep it in perspective.
Even when you get some recognition
Everything you do you still audition.

Ah yes…the audition. So you have vision, you have an audience…what you don’t have is a product yet. So you start building up the image that shows the world your vision. You sit with the director and you start finding the fantastic talent that will become your Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, your next Big Daddy, your next Spiderwoman. This is simultaneously an exciting and terrifying process. With each performer’s audition you hope against hope, and whisper a silent prayer that “THIS” audition will be THE ONE that ends the search. Auditions can be a long, difficult, and always exhausting process. It’s all about trials and tribulations and in the end hopefully a crazy success with a cast of talented actors… Well performers. I was once told that my auditions are very friendly. Some auditions can be cold and distant. I don’t understand those kinds of auditions. WE WANT TO SEE YOU SUCCEED! If you succeed in the audition, we are finished! We can ‘go home’ and start putting together the rest of the image.

Art isn't easy,
Overnight you're a trend; you're the right combination,
Then the trend's at an end,
You're suddenly last year's sensation!

All they ever want is repetition,
All they really like is what they know.
You gotta keep a link with your tradition
Got to learn to trust your intuition,
While you reestablish your position
So that your work can be on exhibition!!! BE NEW!

“BE NEW!” That’s what we do! We’re constantly trying to be a point of innovation and ingenuity at Artes de la Rosa. New is only good if it is breaking new ground artistically. There is no point in being ‘new’ for the sake of ‘being new’. Whether reinterpretations of Pulitzer Prize Classics to daring re-imaginations of rarely produced musical gems, our idea is to celebrate the story.

Be new.
They tell you till they're blue.
You're new, or else you're through,
And even if it's true,
You do what you can do!

Stay tuned for Part Three of Adam's Post on The Art of Putting It Together.

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