As the Stage Manager for a production of this magnitude, you have to be prepared for anything and everything, be consistently informed with everything that the production team is doing as well as the actors. This ranges from extra pencils and highlighters during the blocking/staging process to keeping your production team and actors constantly informed of what is coming next and being at the directors “beck and call”. I was working on this blog beginning a few weeks ago and in that time, everything was fairly predictable. The past week has thrown us a couple of curve balls in which I did not expect; but with that it has kept me on my toes and I am even more prepared for this week. Armed with patience, versatility, chocolate and a great pair of shoes I am ready and actually incredibly excited for this week to begin.
The maintain harmony within a production of this grandeur requires the experience, knowledge and the patience of a bomb diffuser; especially when the title role is your sister and you have just added another level of stress to your job. (Sibling rivalry happens anywhere). I am so excited to see Emily Kate Hardy, my sister, take center stage in this phenomenal role.
From the start of the rehearsal process, as the Stage Manager not only do you become the director’s “right-arm” but you become the emissary between the director and everyone else involved in the production. You have all the information of the show from lighting sequences to an actor’s sore throat, the needs of the director combined with the needs of the actors, you become the beacon of knowledge for the show. Everyone comes to you for answers for everything, whether it’s about schedules, props, costumes, choreography, blocking or set pieces. You name it, and I only pray I know the answer. To date, this has been the most demanding show of my time, energy, patience and sanity, but seeing this show come to life has made it worth my while, to say the least.
We are less than two weeks from opening and usually this is the time that I get extremely stressed and cranky. For some odd reason, when I left the theatre the other night. I told Adam that I am really excited for this week. I got a funny look from him as if he thought I was nuts, but the actors and production team on this show are truly extraordinary people and I look forward to seeing them every day.
And just because I'm the most awesome stage manager ever to rock killer heels, I snapped a couple of pictures in rehearsal the other day...
Chorus Men Drew Sifford and Carl Ramsey with Spiderwoman Emily Kate Hardy
"Marta" Michelle Foard and "Molina" Jason Robert Villarreal
Chorus Member Ian Lewis and Spiderwoman Emily Kate Hardy
...bet you want to feel THE KISS OF THE SPIDERWOMAN now!
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