Friday, July 15, 2016

#ADLRInsider with Ladies Man Ivan played by James Worley


ACTOR NAME: James Worley
Character Name: Ivan

  • Born & Raised: Born- Bedford, TX  Raised- Grapevine, TX
  • Education: Oklahoma City University
  • Degree: Bachelors of Music in Musical Theater & Vocal Performance
  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  • Audition Song: Microphone - a song that was cut from the show when it moved from Broadway to London
  • First Play/Musical You Ever Saw: Thoroughly Modern Millie
  • Something you’re REALLY bad at: Feeling Sexy
  • Must See TV Show: Orange is The New Black
  • Why you work in theatre: I love it and it brings me to life.
  • First Theatre Role: Schroeder in “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown.”   
  • Favorite Play: Next to Normal
  • Previous stage work in DFW: Lots
  • Most challenging role you’ve played: Jekyll & Hyde
  • First Stage Kiss: Into The Woods
    James with cast made Alden Price
  • Special Skills: Bird sounds, knuckle popping, Stich voice
  • MAC or PC: MAC!!!
  • "I'll never understand why…”: Idiots run for President
  • Any Theatre Superstitions:  Nope
  • Worst Costume Ever: Spandex unitard… 5lbs of sausage in a 1lb bag
  • Favorite Post Show Meal: Sushi or Cheesecake Factory

  • Favorite liquid refreshment (adult or other): Horchata
  • Favorite ice cream : Rocky Road
  • Biggest On Stage Mishap:  Non-stop coughing during my song.
  • Worst job you ever had: Customer Service Call Center
  • Last Good Movie You Saw: Finding Dory
  • Dream Role: Archibald Crane in “The Secret Garden”
  • Something you are incredibly proud of: Surviving middle school choir teaching.
  • Words of advice for aspiring performers: Put in the training you’re young all of it! dance, voice & acting  
  • Career you would want if not a performer: Teacher
  • Three things you can't live without: Sleep, Music, Sushi
  • Best thing about Fort Worth or the North Side: History

Thursday, July 14, 2016

#ADLRInsider with Alden Price

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
ACTOR NAME: Alden Price
Character Name: Pepa Marcos

  • Born & Raised:   Born: Mt. Pleasant, TX; Raised: Paris, TX
  • Education: University of North Texas  
  • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  • Audition Song:  Lovesick from Women On the Verge
  • First Play/Musical You Ever Saw: Cats
  • Something you’re REALLY bad at: Computers. I can look sideways at one and it stops working.
  • Did you have any particular mentors or inspirations when first starting out?: My high school theatre teacher, Laura Hutchings. She taught me the importance of character development, trusting my gut, and inspired me to see acting as something to be involved in beyond high school.
  • Must See TV Show:  The Office. I have watched it from beginning to end 6 times and just started it over again with my sister. It is never not funny to me! Oh, and don’t even get me started on Jim and Pam… swoon…
  • Why you work in theatre:  It fills me up. The only other thing that brings me the joy that theatre brings me is being a wife and a mom. I couldn’t ever decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. I eventually realized I didn’t want to be any of the things I thought I wanted to be… I just wanted to ACT like someone who had those jobs for a while!
  • First Theatre Role:  Florence McCricket in The Torchbearers
  • Favorite Play/Musical: Into the Woods
  • Previous stage work in DFW: McKinney Repertory Theatre, Runway Theatre in Grapevine, and Artes de la Rosa
  • Alden in Two Rooms
    Most challenging role you’ve played: This one is a no-brainer- Lanie in Two Rooms. It was the first show I ever did with Adam (Artes de la Rosa's Artistic Director) and to this day is the show that has impacted me most past the walls of the theatre. That show made me a better actress, wife, and overall human being. I was really thankful that it only ran two weekends though. I swear I didn’t cry for 6 months after doing that show because I had no more tears left!  
  • Pop Culture Guilty Pleasure: Pretty Little Liars, does that count? I am a sucker for that trash TV. I anxiously await Tuesday nights like it is Christmas.
  • Favorite sport/team/player: My husband is going to die when I put this in writing but I really like the Seahawks and Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch.
  • First Stage Kiss: It was during Big: The Musical, my very first musical, where I played Susan and my then boyfriend’s best friend played Josh. Talk about awkward! For the record, I have kissed more men on stage than I have in my personal life. I don’t know if that is something to be proud or ashamed of…
  • Pre Show Rituals: I box with the air (something I stole from my high school theatre friends) and say a prayer.
  • Special Skills: Burping and dancing off beat.
  • MAC or PC: I thought this was referring to brands of make up so I guess I should say neither. Remember, I am REALLY BAD at computers.
  • "I'll never understand why…”: children can open medicine bottles when adults can’t and then they eat some B12 vitamins and you have to call poison control and swear that you aren’t a bad parent. Not that I know anything about that…
  • Favorite Post Show Meal: Whataburger. I mean we are in Texas, right?!  
  • Favorite liquid refreshment (adult or other): In the words of Jessica Day (my spirit animal), “I prefer my wine pink, bubbly, and under $11.”
  • Favorite ice cream : Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra
  • Biggest On Stage Mishap: During Big: The Musical I had a quick change before our Act 1 finale number. It was super dark backstage and somehow when I went to bend down to grab my dress I whacked my nose on the Zoltar machine and thought for sure I broke my nose!
  • Last Good Movie You Saw: Chef with Jon Favreau. Jeff and I saw it 6 times in the theater and watch it all.the.time. at home. We are both foodies and we LOVE the story line.  
  • Dream Role: Amneris in Aida, Belle in Beauty and the Beast, Anne Sullivan in The Miracle Worker, and Cathy in The Last Five Years
  • Something you are incredibly proud of: My faith and my beautiful son.
  • Words of advice for aspiring performers: Never allow yourself or your dreams to feel small. You are only as small as you allow yourself to be perceived. Go in to every audition like you humbly deserve it. Be confident in your God-given talent but always be gracious when an opportunity comes your way.
  • Career you would want if not a performer: I am blessed enough to have my dream career: being a stay at home mom.
  • Three things you can't live without: My family, nachos, and Netflix.
  • Best thing about the North Side:  Los Paisano’s Taqueria’s tacos. To. Die. For.
  • Why people will love Women on the Verge: Anyone who is old enough to see this show has undoubtedly experienced some of the emotions that these women AND men are feeling in this show. At any given moment you think, “Oh my gosh, I felt that way last week!” Their situations are relatable, it is their farcical reactions that make the show so over the top hilarious! Plus, the music is incredible. You can’t help but dance to it! If you aren’t dancing in your seat to the opening number then you don’t have a pulse.

Monday, July 11, 2016

#ADLRInsider with Kristin Spires

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

ACTOR NAME: Kristin Spires

Character Name: Lucia Beltran 

Raised: lived in a few places. Main "hometown" would be Ardmore, Oklahoma 

Education: Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Vocal Performance from Oklahoma City University 

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

First Play/Musical You Ever Saw: no idea. The first show I ever saw on Broadway was Cats.

Did you have any particular mentors or inspirations when first starting out?: My elementary music teacher, Mrs. Gilliam; my piano teacher, Meredith Milam; my middle school voice teacher, Vicki Gelona and my high school voice teacher Charlotte Hudgins. My current voice guru, Renee French. Celebrity inspirations? Bette Midler (we share the same birthday!), Carol Burnett, and Barbra Streisand.

Must See TV Show: really don't watch much TV, but I DVR The Dead Files. I also enjoy Mysteries at the Museum and stuff like that!

Why you work in theatre:  This is where I've always felt I was suppose to be.

Favorite Musicals I've Music Directed: In the Heights, Big Fish, Fellowship! and Xanadu

Favorite Musicals I've Been in: Hello, Dolly!, Lucky Stiff, Sweeney Todd

Previous stage work in DFW: Artes de la Rosa, Onstage in Bedford, Stolen Shakespeare Guild, Lyric Stage, Garland Summer Musicals, Runway, Plaza Theatre Co., OhLook Performing Arts, Grand Prairie Arts Council, Greater Lewisville Community Theater

Most fun I've had onstage: Rona Lisa Peretti next to Lon Barrera's VP Douglas Panch in Onstage in Bedford's The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Pop Culture Guilty Pleasure: WordChums game on my phone

Favorite sport/team/player: Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers

Pre Show Rituals: vocalizing and running through all my lines/songs in the show

Special Skills: color guard (like flags yo!)

Any Theatre Superstitions:  I respect other people's, but I don't think I have any.

Worst Costume Ever: knock on wood...I don't think I've ever had a bad costume.

Favorite liquid refreshment (adult or other): Iced tea with lemon
Kristin in a staged reading of Charlie
David's Mulligans, with Zak Reynolds

Last Good Movie You Saw: I can't remember the last time I had time to go to the movies! I like comedies (like The Heat was HILLARIOUS!) and of course the Pitch Perfect movies. I'm also a Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Night at the Museum, National Treasure kinda gal.

Dream Role: hmmm. I never really have an answer for this!

Something you are incredibly proud of: my sons, Brendan and Nicholas, my voice students, and myself for pursuing my dreams in a way that helps others find wellness and abundance

Three things you can't live without: dental floss, tissues, and my Young Living Essential Oils

Best thing about Fort Worth or the North Side:  there are so many different things going on all the time. You can go to the stockyards, drive over to 7th street and get some great food, walk the beautiful Sundance Square...I really love FW!

Why people will love Women on the Verge: the music is beautiful and energetic and catchy, the actors are great storytellers, and who doesn't want to follow some women on the verge of a nervous breakdown! LoL

WOMEN ON THE VERGE OF A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN: The Musical begins performances Friday July 22 with official opening night Saturday July 23. Performances are Thursdays 7:30 pm, Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 pm. There will be a single Sunday Matinee on August 7 at 3:00 pm.  General Admission tickets are $16 for adults and $13 for students, teachers, & seniors. Opening Night Tickets are $20 and include a party with the cast and crew following the performances. Tickets will go on sale on Wednesday June 22. For tickets or more information, call the Rose Marine Theater Box Office at (817) 624-8333.  Special ticket prices are available for groups of 10 or more. Tickets can be purchased online at   

Thursday, July 7, 2016

#ADLRINSIDER with Rachael Blizzard

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

ACTOR NAME: Rachael Blizzard

Character Name: Paulina

 Born & Raised: Austin, TX

 Education: BA Theatre, M.Ed in Education

Zodiac Sign: Pieces

 First Play/Musical You Ever Saw: 42 nd Street

 Something you’re REALLY bad at: Fashion

 Must See TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy

 Why you work in theatre: Because I enjoy learning to better my craft

 First Theatre Role: Gay Wellington in You Can’t Take it With You

 Previous stage work in DFW: Lyric Stage, GPAC, Theatre Arlington

 Most challenging role you’ve played: Fiona in Shrek being a lead in a show making sure to not let anyone down including myself

 Pop Culture Guilty Pleasure: Law and Order and Grey’s Anatomy

 Pre Show Rituals: Vocally warming up and spending like 2 hours on my makeup

 Special Skills: Breathing? No, seriously being a character actor

 MAC or PC: PC but I love Apple phones and the Apple TV

 Worst Costume Ever: The queen in My Fair Lady. It was a purple curtain.

 Favorite Post Show Meal: Anything!

 Favorite liquid refreshment (adult or other): Strawberry Margarita or water with lemon

 Favorite ice cream : Blue Bell homemade vanilla

 Biggest On Stage Mishap: I ate fruit snacks and drank vitamin water at the same time which caused me to burp while on stage as Fiona in Shrek. Luckily I was silent with it so only the Donkey knew, lol

 Worst job you ever had: Server at Chili’s

 Last Good Movie You Saw: Life of a King

 Dream Role: Being a tree on Broadway

 Something you are incredibly proud of: Of how far I have come despite all the challenges in my life

 Words of advice for aspiring performers: Dream it, do it, be it!

 Career you would want if not a performer: Race car driver

 Three things you can't live without: Food, my 2 cats and 3 dogs, and Law and Order Special Victims Unit
There are many elements of this musical that an audience can relate to. For me there are three themes that strike me the most: Love, loss, and empowerment. At nearly 30 years old I have seen and lived through all three. This show that makes an audience member recall all the good and some of bad from any relationship but at the end you are happy to have learned more about who you are and how much strength you have.